Now I’m sure if you Google ‘top Cydia tweaks,’ a million articles will come up, all relatively saying the same thing. Well, the fact is today I want to share MY top favorite tweaks and hopefully help anyone looking to mod their device to the best of their ability. You’ve probably heard of most of these before, but it never hurts to refresh your memory of what is out there.
1. BiteSMS– This isn’t necessarily a tweak, but it’s one of the greatest things Cydia has to offer. If you’ve seen my video review, you’ll understand why I am so infatuated with this. It is one of the greatest apps available, and it is certainly better than the standard Messages app preinstalled.
2. LiveClock– I live for tweaks like this. Simply, this tweak makes your clock app on your springboard a real time app, meaning it will display the actual time on the app logo, instead of 10:15. Little tweaks like this are what make jailbreaking awesome.
3. WeatherIcon– Again, a simple tweak that is amazing. Like the previous tweak, this one changes your weather app icon to display realtime weather info. So if it’s midnight and rainy, your app icon will be dark, and have a cloud with rain on it, and the temperature.
4. ScrollingBoard- This tweak is huge. It does so much, and I use it everyday. It lets you break that 12 icon barrier in folders, making it possible for hundreds of apps in a folder. Also, it lets you scroll in your dock. I chose this over Infiniboard and Infinifolders because it is compatible with every tweak, and combines the two into one.
5. Icon Renamer– Title says it all; rename your icons. Do your app called “Living Earth HD-World Clock and Weather” to just say Living Earth? Well, now it can.
6. MultIcon Mover- Tired of moving an entire page of apps, one by one? This tweak lets you select as many apps as you want, go to a different page or desired area, and place them instantly. Saves a boat load of time.
7. Springtomize– This is probably one of the most useful tweaks. It has over 100 tweaks, in 1. It is simply genius, and does things that make your phone unique. Change screenshot color, disables functions, resizes icons: you name it, it’s there.
8. SBSettings– This really goes without saying. If you don’t know what it is, then you are not living. It is a shortcut to pretty much anything you want on your device, making life easier for your navigation. Respring, power off, brightness, wi-fi, 3G, it’s all here, and instantly accessible. Rummage through your Settings no more.
9. CameraButtons- Are you like everyone else and wish there was an actual button for taking pictures? I know for me, it is a lot harder pressing the screen awkwardly, especially with one hand, to take a picture. My thumb will stress no more. Now, simply pressing the volume buttons (or any button you please, but volume buttons are easiest) will snap your photo. Sweeeeet.
10. StayOpened– Before this app, I hated searching in the App Store, because if I downloaded something, I would have to start all over again in searching, and that gets reallllyyyy annoying! Now, your apps will be installed without leaving the store. It is very similar to the latest version of Cydia.
Well, there you go. What are some of your favorite apps? Be sure to comment one your favs!
barrel is sick ! they always keep putting new effects too
one question though … how’s your battery doin’ ?
Eh, it has its days. Some days good, some not so good.
Hey there. The MultIcon Mover sounds pretty nice. I’ve been searching Cydia, but I can’t find it!! Should I add a new source?
Has anyone else had problems with Camerabuttons? I liked being able to push the volume button to snap pictures, but I noticed that over time the volume buttons no longer changed the volume! If I resprung the volume buttons worked again, then over time, again, they would stop working. I can only assume there’s some combination of actions that you can make when using camerabuttons that causes it to break the volume feature. Respring fixed it, no big deal, just stable enough for me hehe.
*just not stable enough for me…
I am using the BiteSMS, and its great.
What about winterboard?
What about winterboard?
What about winterboard?
iOS 5 is going to come out with the same thing as camera buttons
everyone knows about winterboard theres no point in even mentioning it
yh thats what happened to me…i hav removed the tweak and i am using fastsnap…
its multiiconmover
2 i’s
dont upgrade past 4.3.3 it blows
Just download winterboard in the Cydia store and you’ll see.
update this post please