After last weeks post of the preview of the tweak Springtomize, it has finally been released! Springtomize is a Cydia tweak that compiles many popular tweaks, into one. Something perfect I read about it was “In a nutshell, Springtomize is like the Walmart of jailbreak tweaks. Come for eggs, and pick up a new vacuum while you’re at it.” Perfect quote.
From status bar options, folders, lockscreens, icons, to just the general settings, this has everything. This is absolutely great for newcomers who don’t really know which tweaks to install. Instead of installing about 50 other jailbreak tweaks, just this one will suffice. And I’m talking at least 50 tweaks. Even things such as custom docks and resizing your icons, check it off your list. There isn’t much more to say about this, except it is well worth the download. If you are flirting with the idea, you can always download a trial and check it out.
Creator Filippo Bigarella has certainly made something that will soon explode in the jailbreak community. Once more people notice and download this awesome tweak, you can consider him genius. For only $2.99, this is a steal. While most other tweaks with one function run at about the same price, you’ll easily save $50.
Sweet. Buying it now.
nothing works-___________-