If you had to jailbreak your iOS device running on iOS 5.0.1, you would have two ways to go about it. By doing a jailbreak with RedSn0w or by installing the Corona 5.0.1 Untether from Cydia. That may not be the same case if you upgrade to iOS 5.1 once it’s released. Apple has evidently patched the Corona 5.0.1 untethered exploit on the latest version of iOS 5.1 beta 3, which is a big blow to anyone who’s not upgraded to iOS 5.0.1 yet.
Apple seeded iOS 5.1 beta 3 to developers quite recently and this was discovered by @nadeem97 (via @veeence) of Pwnage team who tweeted the information.
The last few weeks have been filled with updates about the A5 untethered jailbreak that is currently in progress. We are still waiting for some more updates as the d-day gets closer. The A5 untethered jailbreak is in it’s final stages, as stated by pod2g in his latest blog post.
So, if any of you haven’t upgraded to iOS 5.0.1 yet, then it’s best that you get it done soon before Apple stops signing it. This is because the only untethered jailbreak currently available to the iPhone 4 and older devices works on iOS 5.0.1 only. Save your SHSH blobs and if you’re stuck on iOS 5.1, you could end up with a firmware that cannot be jailbroken.
Not clear to me. For iPad 2 on 4.3.3 (jailbroken) are we suggesting the time is right to restore through iTunes and get to 5.0.1 ASAP?
I’m wondering the same thing..
YEs Josepl.
We can download it now and restore it later
So what’s the problem?
The blobs are the problem. If you don’t have your blobs saved for 5.0.1, you will not be able to update/restore to it.
This is why I was saying they shouldn’t release the untether before the 5.1 release. If they didn’t release it, the 5.1 could have been untethered from day one.
ok so i have 4.2.1 and is no longer being signed. i tryed to save my shsh but cant so am i screwed on being able to upgrade to 5.0.1? how to do i preserve my baseband of 6.15.00?
no mate stay on 4.3.3 pleasseee ios 5.0.1 is so buggggggyyyy ,STAYY and save ur shsh blobs if u insist on upgrading
I keep telling them to hold off their exploits until iOS 7 when we’ll need them but those hackers never listen! What a waste of exploits – releasing them when people actually want them.
btw that was sarcasm.
iOS 5.0.1 is not buggy at all buddy what are you talking about? you probably messed around with your jailbreak.