Another day, and another Cydia tweak. Today AutoResponder 2 has been released into Cydia that is only compatible on the iOS 6 firmware generation. As you can probably tell from the name of the tweak it will allow you to setup SMS/iMessage autoresponders. This means if you are going to be watching a movie you could enable AutoResponder 2 to automatically message anyone who messages you during the movie that you will get back to them when it is over.
AutoResponder 2 supports iMessages (when connected to a Wi-Fi network) and of course good ol’ SMS messages. It additionally has a whitelist functionality that will allow you to make certain contacts be able to bypass the Autoresponder and get a personal response from yourself.
Overall AutoResponder 2 is a powerful Cydia tweak that should posses everything you need to setup a good autoresponder. Just remember that if you have a limited text messaging plan that this Cydia tweak may not be right for you as SMS replies can add up very quickly.
If you are interested in the AutoResponder 2 Cydia tweak you can find it in the BigBoss repo for only $1.50. This is the introductory sale price and once the sale is over the tweak will go back up to its original price of $3.
Let us know what you think of AutoResponder 2 in the comments section below.
Great, now only if someone could come out with a tweak that allow you to mute from your headphones while in a phone call from your headphones.
It already mutes your music when an incoming call is coming when wearing Apple Ear buds that have a mic on them. Though Im pretty sure it mutes playing music while a call incomes and will continue to play after your call has ended with all head phones/buds at least mine does.
I meant a separate unrelated voluntary action, would be nice if you can mute while in a phone call from the headphones currently you can’t. Not sure why apple decided not to include this