If you are like me, then you are constantly changing the look of your iPhone. Color Keyboard is an awesome Cydia tweak that really lets you customize your device. You can change the color of your keyboard to match your iPhone case, SpringBoard theme, or even outfit of the day.
Another function of Color Keyboard is changing the color of the pop-up key when a button is pressed. This tweak is simple to use and allows you to preview your selected layout before respringing, which is definitely a time saver. Multiple themes and solid colors are among the many options available for you to start customizing your keyboard.
Along with these simple color combinations, you can add packages of background images for your keyboard. Again, this just adds to the many options you have for really customizing your iPhone for the look and feel you want.
Changing the radius of the buttons is also an option. Instead of the rectangular buttons, you can modify the radius to make the buttons more rounded. Just another way of making your iPhone your own.
Color Keyboard can be found in the community BigBoss repo for only $1.99. The packages for background images can also be found in the BigBoss repo as well as the ModMyi repo. This is in my top ten of favorite Cydia tweaks and well worth the money. Check out another tweak in my top ten, the CallMe Cydia Tweak. Here are more tweaks, mods, apps and Cydia must-haves for your newly jailbroken device. Tell us about some of your favorite Cydia tweaks below.
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How to do it?
How do you do it? There is no steps