Hate loading iMessage to send texts and free messages to other Apple devices? ImmediateSend is a tweak that allows you to skip the clutter and instead reply to messages from anywhere. See a message on your lockscreen? Instead of going to iMessage, Immediate send allows to you reply to that message … [Read more...]
Track Your iPhone, iPad, Or iPod Touch Messaging With SMS Stats Cydia App

Most carriers provide an app for monitoring airtime, data, SMS texts, and paying bills, but the information provided on texts is generally limited to SMS messages sent through your carrier and only gives you a running total. If you won't have access to WiFi or mobile broadband, you may be interested … [Read more...]
ForwardDisable Cydia Tweak Prevents Forwarding Texts In iMessage; Keep Your Private Messages In Your Hands

One of the easiest ways to cause trouble with a cellphone is to have your private messages forwarded to someone else. Not every private message on your phone or tablet needs to be seen by everyone, and the odd personal message can cause you harm if it gets to the wrong hands. One method of … [Read more...]
Merge Cydia Tweak Collects iMessage Accounts, Prevents Confusion

You know what it's like chatting to the friend with two phones, a tablet, and a Mac. The messages come in as if they're from four different accounts, but they're all part of one conversation from the same person. iOS 6 offers a built-in solution for unifying emails and phone numbers, but only if … [Read more...]
Apple Responds To Pod2G’s Discovery Of A Severe iOS SMS Flaw Allowing For Text Message Spoofing

Yesterday we told you that Pod2G discovered a severe flaw in iOS that relates to sending and receiving SMS messages. Essentially this flaw allows for SMS spoofing, meaning it is possible for an individual to send you a text message and specify a reply-to number that is not their own, appearing as if … [Read more...]
Send And Receive Any File Using iMessage With The SendAny And ReceiveAny Cydia Tweaks

Wouldn't it be great if you could send multiple filetypes through iMessage on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad? Well, thanks to two new Cydia tweaks released into Cydia today you can do just this! Yep, that's right, the ability to send files over iMessage from the iOS filesystem, iFile and Dropbox is … [Read more...]
WWDC 2011 Overview: iOS 5 – Notification Center, iMessage, Reminders, PC Free & More!

Apple held their annual WWDC 2011 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco today. They've announced and introduced many revolutionary things, like OS X Lion, iOS 5, iCloud, and other iTunes products. iOS 5 is packed with over 200 new features! The 10 noteworthy ones are: Notification Center: … [Read more...]