When you download a large app, how do you know if it’s making any progress? Sure, your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch will inform you that the app is ‘loading’ on the SpringBoard. That’s not very helpful. Even the nifty progress bar isn’t so useful for larger apps, when it’s hard to tell if the thing is even moving. AppCent is a Cydia tweak that allows for download progress to be displayed as percentages, instead of ‘loading.’
The tweak works as expected: The percentages seem to update at the same rate as the progress bar. AppCent even seems to play nice with Quasar, which is sometimes finicky with other interface tweaks.
AppCent doesn’t install an icon. All you need to do to get AppCent running is to install the tweak, and download apps from iTunes as you would normally. However it does have a tab in Settings, but there really aren’t any settings to configure. You’ll only find a toggle for disabling the tweak along with the creator’s Twitter handle: Rudolf Lichtner (@rud0lf77).
This is a tweak I have absolutely no issues with. If anything could be improved, it might be interesting to see more options in AppCent. Maybe an option to set a custom message like, “Loading: 85%”.
AppCent is available for free in Cydia. The tweak is available in the default ModMyi repository on Cydia. Just search for AppCent.

AppCent even updates while in the background in Quasar
Are you okay with using a bar to estimate your download progress or do you find it more convenient to see the download percentage? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
good app