iMessage is a genius service from Apple that allows you to message other iOS device owners over a Wi-Fi network and avoid any cellular charges associated with texting or sending multimedia messages. iMessage also opens up to read notifications, that lets the person you are messaging know when you have read their message, and a typing indicator to let someone know when you are typing. Some people love these two features of iMessage and some people think it is an intrusion of their privacy.
You can already disable read notifications from the Settings app, but as for the typing indicator, this is something that actually can’t be disabled. This is why a developer has released a premium tweak into Cydia called TypingPrivacy that allows you to disable the typing indicator completely. Although this is a good idea, in my opinion the tweak should be free considering its limited functionality.
Right now TypingPrivacy costs $0.99 from the Cydia Store and may or may not be worth it depending on how badly you would like to disable the typing indicator. I think the developer of this tweak could make it more worth while if he added the ability to set who you want to show the typing indicator and read notifications for. That way you could enable the functionality on a case-by-case basis.
What do you think? Is TypingPrivacy worth the money in its current state? Let us know in the comments section.
Insanelyi Repo
also xsellize.
inb4 whinging cunts whinge about piracy