Since the iPhone 4S was released and the iOS 5 firmware generation Apple’s support forums flooded with reports of battery life issues. With the release of the iOS 5.0.1 firmware, these battery life issues were supposed to be fixed. The reality, however, was that the battery life issues were still very much present, and for some became even worse. In order to fix battery life issues on the iPhone 4S and the iOS 5 firmware generation we told you about a Cydia tweak called iOS 5 Battery Fix. The iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak was available from the Insanelyi repository/forum for a hefty price tag of $4.99 and was being praised by many as fixing battery life problems for good.
While many have reported that the iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak has fixed their battery life problems, there has been others that reported no change. If you were one of the individuals who were reporting no change to your battery life after installing iOS 5 Battery Fix. It could be because the Cydia tweak is very simply a scam. You see, today it is being reported by hacker and developer @sbingner that the iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak is in fact a scam.
He has written an article containing details of what the iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak actually does, and it turns out (in short), that it does nothing.
There has been a lot of hype recently about a 4S ‘Battery Fix’ – DHowett found that all it does is replace /System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/ I looked for any possible impact of this. While this sounds good… we’re changing the power settings right? The reality is that it does absolutely nothing.
Thus, I think we can safely conclude that any positive results after installing the iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak were only psychological. Did you end up purchasing the iOS 5 Battery Fix Cydia tweak? Let us know your thoughts on whether it was a scam or not in the comments section below…
I didn’t purchase anything.I installed the one from repo.sourcescachees, and I left it over night in standby with 3G on. 8 hours later, It was 20% lower (100% to 80%)… It seemed brilliant to me… I’m surprised to hear that it’s a scam…
I have it and did exactly what it said to do let my battery run out and do a deep cycle charge and today surprisingly ……..absolutely no change my battery is still dead before the end of my work day and I do feel scammed
So do anything to fix the problem!!!! My battery sucks my life iphone 4s shit!!!!!!!
I Surprized to see this article, it looks like it is working for my 4s.
Before this tweak I charged my phone at night and disnt use it. In the morning it was 88.
After this tweak I did the same thing, next morning it was 98. MayBe i did something else, I dont know…
I heard the one from repo.sourcescachees got some kind of keylogger for your account informations, can it be true?
A few things which gets the most out of your battery:
1) Delete your mail profiles (Gmail etc) from your phone, shut down, turn it back on, add them again.
2) Turn off location Services for apps you don’t use
3) turn your backlight down, it’s not necessary to have it at 100%
4) if you don’t use siri, turn it off!
5) Have no more than 5 active apps open at one time
6) Turn off iCloud if you don’t use it
7) If you can survive without internet when your out and about, settings > General > Network > Disable 3G and Deactivate Celular data.
I did this and my iPhone, I shit you not, died after it’s 4th day off charge just 30 minutes ago!
Now this is why some people use cracked repos ;)
Mine after a night takes max 10%, normally smth about 2-4%.
i have an iphone 4s 5.0.1 and i jailbreaked it and after a week i
installed ios5 battery and the fix and then my battery ran out, so now my iphone is
not booting up anymore!! i tryed recovery mode, dfu mode, and it wont
let me restore! please help plzzz!!!
$45 mophie juice pack plus from eBay.. 8 hrs extra power worth it as there is nothing to fix the battery issues.
Thanks for finding this info out here this will keep me from getting an iPhone 4S I will be waiting until a reversion comes out or the iPhone 5 is released, but if battery issues still happen to everyone then, then I will just get a droid.
Where did you get your tweak from?
Ok, first off, the tweak actually “modifys/changes” some system config? Then how can you claim it does nothing? Ok second, I’ve installed this on my 16gb white 4s, it improved the battery life at least 30-40%. Not saying I’m happy with the battery life, but it helped without me having to deactivate iCloud, location services and every other feature I like about the iPhone. Thanks to the developer that made this tweak!
I thought I might add that I didn’t pay or it, completely free…
(Jaden did you install this tweak on your iPhone that has HORRIBLE battery life?)
Where you get this for free?
Not really sure exactly but I seem to install some mods/tweaks that are not really draining my battery but causing false readings. Like fluctuating 5% – or + in a blink then reboot or sometimes respring I get drainage at an avg steady pace. Any thoughts? By the way I’ve noticed same on my 4th gen touch and i4 iPad + 4s
if ur phone is jailbroken dont install winterboard…..u will got good battery life…..!
I think some people think iPhone battery life sucks because they never had a “real” smart phone before. If you have had many smart phones you will find that battery life on the iPhone 4/4S is comparable to any Droid, or smart phone. If not comparable then better. Seriously………People are going to switch to Droid fro better battery life only to find out it is the same or worse. It’s a friggin’ smart phone people.
It is 100% normal to get 5-7 hours when using 3G and wifi off
it is 100% normal to get 7-9 hours usage when 3G is off, and your on wifi all day.
If you think your battery life sucks so bad, turn off 3G/cellular data when you don’t use it. Works for me.
When I first got my iPhone I was very pissed about the battery life. I started looking into other smart phones, only to find that the battery life on an iPhone is 9 times out of 10 better then any other smart phone. If not then it is the same exact battery life.
The only phones that have actual good battery life are dumb phones. End of story.
I’m not saying your phone does not have a battery problem. It might if it actually really bad. In that case, restore you phone, and do a full cycle charge, leaving on charge a good 2 hours after it has reached 100%. Great battery life every time I do that. 8-10 hours usage. NORMAL smart phone battery life.
Try plugging your phone into your computer
All i did was change my IP4 battery for a new one….Works a treat now.