Despite the fact we are still waiting for MobileSubstrate to be officially updated for iOS 7, this isn’t to say it is completely broken on all devices and hasn’t stopped some developers from pushing out new tweaks. Although they aren’t the most innovative tweaks we have seen they will still be extremely useful to some. Today’s Cydia tweaks include Lock Screen Tool, ToneEnabler and Purge.
Purge is a very simple Cydia tweak that brings functionality a lot of people are surprised Apple didn’t implement in the App Switcher. Just what kind of functionality am I talking about? The ability to hold down on an app card to delete all apps from the App Switcher. With Purge, however, this is now a reality, simply invoke the App Switcher by double tapping the home button, tap and hold a card and then a dialogue window will appear asking you whether or not you want to kill all apps.
There are no customizable settings and you can find the tweak in the BigBoss repo for free.
Lock Screen Tool is a Cydia tweak that allows you to customize the lock slider text on iOS 7. Upon installing the tweak you will find a preferences section in the Settings app where you can toggle showing text on the lockscreen, replace the stock lockscreen text with a message of your choice and even hide the camera button (no respring required). There are no other customizable settings, but it is the perfect tweak for subtly modifying the lockscreen.
You can find Lock Screen Tool in Cydia’s BigBoss repo for free.
The ToneEnabler Cydia tweak will allow you to once again download custom ringtones from Cydia and from apps such as UnlimTones. As Apple actually changed the way ringtones are loaded into the Settings app in iOS 7 to utilize a .plist file, instead of simply iterating through the /Library/Ringtones directory. Meaning without ToneEnabler download ringtones from Cydia or other apps would not work, unless they were specifically updated for iOS 7. This tweak enables the behaviour that was present before iOS 7 so that the ringtones are read from the directory so that you don’t have to wait for anything to be updated.
You can find ToneEnabler in the BigBoss repo for free.
Update #1: If you are wondering why these tweaks are not working on your device, but they are working for my Jailbroken device running iOS 7, click here.
I have the 5s and none of this works
Purge does not work.
I have the 5, not the 5S. Jailbreaking went fine and installation of tweaks goes smoothly. However none of the tweaks show up in settings and the ones that usually don’t show in settings aren’t working anyway. Any tips?
You have to reinstall preference loader (settings) and mobile substrate (the framework that supports the tweak)
Jaden Easton-Ellett what is a app card.Your cool terms mean very little,I have been JBing sense jailbreaking has started and have never seen the term in any of the literature on this site.Have you test the app Purge or did you just write the article from some elses notes.Perhaps you could have explained why some these apps won’t work on a 5s but the same app works on a iPad and then not on the mini pad.
Damn it, you’re right. Preference Loader is not there, though Mobile Substrate is (I know it’s still kinda broken). However I can’t seem to find Preference Loader, what repo is it in again?
It’s called preferenceloader on big boss repo
Thanks again… shit is I was in User mode… Changing to developer allowed me to see it and reinstall it.
The App Card refers to one of the apps shown in the Multitasking Switcher. And I have just written a post specifically to answer this question. Check the front page.
Thanks,the app works on Ipad3,I saw your article the reason why apps fail to show in settings on 5s
how you change from user to developer?
Open up cydia, go to the manage tap, click on settings on the top left, and there you go
64 bit Vs. 32bit you’ll have to wait