Do you find yourself creating a lot of notes, but wish there was a quicker way to do so, like quick reply is for the Messages application? If so you may want to check out NoteCreator, which feels like a native feature in iOS for the stock Notes application.
NoteCreator is a free tweak developed by JGTweaks which allows you to create notes anywhere with a single Activator action. After installation users can assign their own Activator gesture to invoke the text field window NoteCreator provides.
The tweak is pretty straightforward after bringing up the text field window, allowing users to input any note they would like to jot down. When users select done, this will save the note to the native iOS Notes application. If you choose the option to cancel, this will delete the note for good. Users can select to save notes to only their iPhone or to iCloud, which will be saved to all their devices from the Account button.
NoteCreator also provides three options to configure, found in general Settings under the tweaks preference pane. Users can choose to save their note when they cancel, the option to automatically show the keyboard when the text field window appears, or when you tap into the text field. Finally, users will have the option to have a title field in their note.
NoteCreator is an easy way to create notes throughout your iDevice without having to back out from what you are doing and then open up the Notes application. The tweak is fully compatible with iPhone and iPad, including 64-bit and runs on iOS 6 or later. The tweak is free, and can be found on the ModMyi repository. Let us know what you think in the comments section.
Hey could you tell me what theme and font you are using here?
What tweak you are using for the badge colour ?
JGTweaks call free users “trolls”.
They should be stop behaving rudely to free users..