One little annoyance I have come across in iOS 6 is that every time your respring the brightness level of your devices goes to the lowest level for some reason. At first I thought this might have just been isolated to my iPhone, but after I saw the BrightnessFix for iOS 6 tweak hit Cydia I knew I couldn’t be alone after all.
Although this isn’t a huge issue particularly, for those that have also been annoyed by the bug, you will be glad to know it can be fixed in seconds by simply installing BrightnessFix for iOS 6. The tweak is available for free in Cydia and is hosted on the ModMyi repo.
BrightnessFix for iOS 6 has no settings to configure, simply install the tweak and enjoy not having to deal with the low brightness bug ever again. According to the developer the reason why this bug takes place in the first place is because on iOS 6 and higher Backboard should be killed to do a respring instead of the SpringBoard directly.
As it will likely be some time before developers catch on, it is recommended that you install this Cydia tweak so that you don’t have to manually adjust the screen brightness all the time.
there was another tweak with the same functionality few days earlier called iFix Brightness, but it is gone now from Cydia. The dev of this tweak was sending the deb file to individual email once you requested it.
Still experiencing the brightness issue when respringing from Springtomize.
Im confused, I have iFix Brightness installed. I thought they had the same function so If people have that installed they don’t need this one correct?
I am pretty sure they are the same. I have ifix as well, and it works as it should. First i got it from cydia then i got the deb file from developer.
Any difference between in the .deb file? By the way, Im Allen:)
No, they seem to be the same, there are no options to configure. For some reason it was taken off cydia, and the next day same tweak appears with different name and differnet developer. Hi Allen, are you one of the editors on this blog?
When you experience the dimming, simply press the Lock button to shut the screen off, then wake the phone again and the brightness will be normal. Simple.