Do you have a select few applications that you find yourself constantly launching after unlocking your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad? I know for one that I personally always find myself launching the Twitter app and Messages app after unlocking my iPhone and would find it extremely beneficial if I could launch theses apps from the lockscreen. For those of you who agree you will be glad to know that the AppSlider Cydia tweak was released today to bring app shortcuts to your lockscreen.
Upon installing AppSlider you will find two configurable spaces on your lockscreen that are on either side of the slide to unlock bar. Through the you can choose two applications to go inside the two spaces that upon being tapped will launch the app.
If you are interested in the AppSlider Cydia tweak you can find it through the BigBoss repo for FREE. Let us know what you think of this tweak in the comments section below…
doesn’t provide tweak for ipad yet.
i dont get the app on the left side of the slide bar. what should i do? i have chosen two apps.