By default Touch ID is limited to only recognizing 5 fingers, this is the cap that Apple has set, probably because the digital locker for your fingerprints is only so big. But what if I told you there was a way to get Touch ID to recognize more than 5 fingers?
Well there is! A YouTube user by the name of Note Suwanchote has figured out a way that allows you to register more than 5 fingers to Touch ID. It isn’t even complicated either, it simply involves scanning multiple fingers at once.
This is what Suwanchote had to say:
When you register a finger, the sensor can recognize and differentiate at a minimum of 5 fingers per each set up.
It does not go up to 10 though but somewhere in between. This means that with the set up, you can have the sensor recognize up to 25 (possibly more) uniques fingerprints. My brother documents this in the video.
Pretty cool, huh? The only potential downside to doing this is that it could result in false positives and reduce the security of Touch ID because it hasn’t properly understood just 1 of your fingerprints. But it is a cool workaround nonetheless that you might as well enjoy while you can.
Thanks, that’s a great tip! Still works on iOS8/iPhone 6 in fall 2014. I just wanted both of my thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers registered. I achieved it by combining the left and right middle fingers in 1 print.