The fact that Safari refreshes the current page you are viewing each time you launch the app can sometimes become annoying because it is tedious to wait for it to load again. If you have ever wished there was a way to launch Safari and go to a blank page automatically to speed up the time it takes to launch the app, then you will be glad to know there is now a solution for Jailbroken iOS devices.
Introducing SafariBlankPage. The SafariBlankPage Cydia tweak simply makes it so that Safari opens with a blank page when it is not running in the background. This dramatically speeds up the rate at which the app opens as Safari no longer has to refresh the page you left off on.
If you are interested in the SafariBlankPage Cydia tweak you can find it in the BigBoss repo for free. There is no options to configure and no icons added to your homescreen. Let us know what you think of the tweak in the comments section below.
Note: For non-Jailbroken users this can also be accomplished by making a homescreen shortcut with a URL of about:blank.
now if there was just a tweak to have all pages automatically close when you close Safari I would be happy.