If I had a dime for every time a tweak was released to make accessing the Music app easier… well… I would have a lot of dimes! It seems like almost every other day a tweak is released that adds music controls somewhere. Regardless, today we have a cool tweak by the name of PodSwitcher that has been released that allows you to easily access your music library from the App Switcher.
Unlike a lot of music related tweaks that just place controls somewhere, or provide a limited view of your music library, PodSwitcher essentially integrates the Music app into the App Switcher. Simply tap the new PodSwitcher button that will appear at the top of the App Switcher upon installing the tweak and PodSwitcher will activate, showing you your entire iPod library right from the App Switcher.
PodSwitcher allows you to browse your music through Artists, Albums and Playlists, while showing you all of this in a beautiful carousel. You can also toggle shuffle, repeat, fast forward/rewind, tweet about a song, view extra info, view song lyrics and view extra info about the now playing song.
As you can see PodSwitcher is a tweak with a lot of functionality, that in my mind is finally a Cydia tweak worth paying for. There have been a lot of Cydia tweaks released recently that have really been disappointing and in my opinion should not be premium tweaks. I won’t say any names, but in my opinion a tweak should only be premium if it provides extensive functionality like in the case of PodSwitcher.
If you are interested in PodSwitcher you can find it through the BigBoss repo for $1.49. Let us know your thoughts on the tweak in the comments section below.
I totally agree with recent amount of disappointing premium tweaks. Every single good idea had to be paid for lately. In this case Ryan Petrich should have charged 10 bucks for activator or action menu. Yet, he gives them for free.
In terms of PodSwitcher, I think it is fantastic, but still buggy and not compatible with other tweaks.
It resprings on me from time to time. And it resprings on me at all times when I have installed Music Controls Pro. These two tweaks are ultimate music controlers on iOS. Tempus, PowerMuisc, Justice (iOS5) and Homeplayer(iOS5) are great too, but not so sophisticated.
I will stick to Music Controls Pro for now since it is more stable and compatible with iPad and iPhone. On top of this you can access it without opening switcher and adjust brightness.
I hope these two tweaks could work together at the same time.
I’ll wait for a stable version.
Maybe I’m missing it, but although the visuals are cool, I can’t seem to display the individual tracks of an album. Is this missing?
Only one unexpected respiring so far, so it’s pretty stable here. But I prefer more control. Despite the review, PowerMusic and Music Controls Pro seem much more useful to me. However, I don’t regret the $1.49 to support efforts!
I really like the tweak but it doesn’t get along with other tweaks as it makes them useless. I think it ‘s not all that ready to use with other tweaks. 2 of 5 stars.
I got The tweak, is worth every penny , I recomendedn