Although Apple has brought about official support for game controllers in iOS 7 they are quite expensive and not yet at a level where they are necessarily worth purchasing according to numerous reviews. If you would still like to use a controller to play games on your iOS devices, however, you will be glad to know a new tweak has been released, or should I say updated, for iOS 7 called Controllers for All.
This tweak allows you to use a DualShock PS3 controller to play iOS games and it utilizes with the new iOS 7 Game Controller APIs just like an official controller.
In order to start playing iOS games with your DualShock PS3 controller you will simply have to buy Controllers for All from the Cydia Store for $1.99, complete a one-time pairing process with your iOS device and then you’re all set to. The pairing instructions are simple can be found in the Settings app under the Controllers for All section, or here.
The developer stated that support for the DualShock PS4 controller would be added soon as well.
Does it work with a xbox 360 controller?
Not yet it coming in the next major update
The developer tweeted that Xbox360 support is NOT coming because the controller is not bluetooth compatible. Microsoft decided to use their own wireless protocol for their controllers so there is no easy way to make them work.
Yea my friends told me its not supported lol that sucks o well im getting a PS4 anyway so no problems :)