You know the line, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Universal Video Downloader is one of those tweaks that unquestionably has great power. Concerns about the possibility of this Cydia app are the reason why video apps, like Amazon’s Instant Video, attempted to block jailbroken devices (which can be circumvented by a handy tweak called xcon). Now it’s here: As the name implies, Universal Video Downloader allows users to download video from nearly any source on iOS.

Good evening…
You might expect the software to download video from sources like the new YouTube app, Chrome, or Safari, the Universal Video Downloader actually functions very true to its name. Netflix, Crunchyroll, and even apps for local Canadian TV stations can all be used to directly download streaming-only shows directly to your iPad. It’s hard to say whether or not this is any less ethical than, say, recording a broadcast TV show using your PVR, but on the other hand, it’s almost like using Netflix’s own servers to pirate a movie. This is new territory on the iPad, and we’d expect to see a cat and mouse game between content providers and developers very soon.
Downloader, as the app calls itself on the SpringBoard, is a FREE Cydia tweak, available in the BigBoss repository. Files are stored in /var/mobile/Library/Universal_Video_Downloader/Downloads — but keep in mind that if you download certain files from streaming apps, they will be difficult to play on your computer outside of Downloader.
While Downloader is an interesting app, and potentially one of the most powerful video downloading apps we’ve seen, there are a few downsides. Because the app uses a lot of memory, it can cause your device to crash. This can be fixed with a reset (hold lock+power), but it is a disruption. The second issue is more serious: while the video is captured, audio isn’t. All the video’s I’ve tested, from a variety of sources, have all become silent pictures when saved to my iPad (which is otherwise capable of playing sound). This could be an issue specific to my iPad and its interactions with existing tweaks, since other users of Downloader haven’t reported the issue. Regardless, it’s amazing that the app can download video from seemingly any source.
Does Universal Video Downloader work properly from your machine? Do you consider the app to be a tool for piracy, or is it keeping with fair use–and in what situations? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
I get sound..make sure to adjust in settings
I know the toggle you’re thinking of, and it didn’t work either way.
No sound either. great app otherwise. Using Iphone 4S
Phew. I was worried that I might have been crazy, or that one of the bizarre apps I’ve been testing had finally caught up to me. What’s your setup? I was running the downloader on the iPad 3 in iOS 5.1.1.
I wasn’t getting sound either until I turned off the silent switch on my 4S. Now it’s working fine for me :)
It works perfectly for me…. AMAZON and iTUNEs Movies wont work as its downloaded to another app – paid and tried it several times!
NETFLIX will always work…. MSPOT did work for paid movies (rent to download it) but Mspot Movies (a Samsung company) just closed its doors to the public!
I’m currently looking for other Movie Sources and will update when I find some to work! Version 1.1 is updated so be sure to update ASAP!
Version 1.1 should fix the sound problem. This was due to a bug in iOS 5. If it doesn’t, please email us at and we’ll try to resolve it for you as soon as possible. Thanks!
Running on Iphone 4S ith 5.1.1. But working fine now with the latest update :)
Thanks Harrison Apps, really cool JB tweak.
It would be great if we could get a status bar for downloads- it makes life easy when wanting to install or respring your phone.
Just wondering if this Is this legal (or considered fair use if personal) and can the video streaming sites (hulu, Netflix etc) trace this!?
IOS 6.1.2. – only getting audio on NetFlix downloads. Looks like its launching QuickTime player. HBOGo does nit work either – launches player and then immediately closes it. Great app – worth paying / contributing for! Fixes appreciated.
Done on iPH 4 ios 6.1.3 cool runnings! Only downside is, vids arent stored where they say they are (above). Still not found :/
Ok i found the video in /var/mobile/media/U_V_D <— abbreviated… Also sound fully working!
The app is not working with voyo.
thanks a lot, I was looking in /var/mobile/library/U_V_D and that one was empty.
hey i use yr downloader app,everyone on here is saying it works on netflix!
Its become pretty hard to use!
Stan-netflix-movies that cant be streamed on moviebox cannot be copied!
Is there going to be a update?
How to download ios 7.1.2