Firebreak: Easily Take Panorama Photos Through iOS 5
Earlier this week developer Chpwn released a tweak into Cydia called Firebreak. This Cydia tweak allows you to take panorama photos within the stock iOS 5! Personally after playing around with the tweak, I found it hard to take a quality panorama photo (the key to taking a good panorama photo on the iDevice with Firebreak is to move very slowly and to have a steady hand). When you do, however, you will be amazed at the results.
Chpwn definitely did a great job with the tweak and I look forward to future improvements.
If you are interested in Firebreak you can find it through the BigBoss repo for free.
Transliterate: Translate English Word-By-Word To Over 20 Different Scripts
With the Transliterate Cydia tweak you can transliterate word-by-word as you type from English to over 20 different scripts. This will be useful if you prefer using the English keyboard over others, but just don’t want to keep switching keyboards. Additionally, it is useful if you can speak a language but can’t read/write it.
An important thing to keep in mind is that Transliterate translates words and does not translate your writing. Meaning it merely converts the words you write in English, to a word that sounds the same in the language of your choice.
If you are interested in Transliterate you can find it through the BigBoss repo for free.
SearchWordHighlighter: Highlight Searched Words Through Mobile Safari
The SearchWordHighlighter Cydia tweak will extend the functionality of searching words/phrases through Mobile Safari. Meaning that once the tweak has been installed, whatever you are searching through Mobile Safari will be highlighted on the results so you can find the best possible result. Additionally, this Cydia tweak will memorize the latest searched words from the search bar to further increase productivity.
SearchWordHighlighter is available through the BigBoss repo for free.
LockScreen Multitasking: Enable The Mulitasking Switcher On Lockscreen
Has it ever bugged you that you cannot access the Multitasking Switcher while you are on the lockscreen? Well, if it has you will be glad to know that with the LockScreen Multitasking Cydia tweak you can enable the Multitasking Switcher on the lockscreen. Meaning the tweak will help shave a few seconds off the time it takes you to launch a recently used application.
If you are interested in LockScreen Multitasking you can find it through the BigBoss repository for free.
Just downloaded it. Took one pic but its pretty sweet. Now I just need to mess with it more.
This site is awesome..!!
but the bit sad thing is that whenever any admin post Cydia Tweak..
Installed Firebreack but not got a button in the cameras options :-(
Firebreak is not working on jailbroken 5.1.1, unfortunately. :(
me too! i hope they can fix this sooner..