CodeScrambler is a new tweak that has touched down on Cydia today that will actually rearrange the layout of the numbers on the passcode screen on iOS. This is in-turn supposed to make it more difficult for friends or family to guess your passcode just by watching you type it in.
Once you download and install the tweak from Cydia there are no options to configure with CodeScrambler. You simply install, activate the Passcode lock if you don’t have it enabled already and then lock your device to experience the new scrambled Passcode screen.
I definitely agree that having the number buttons randomized on the Passcode screen would make it more difficult for on onlooker to figure out your Passcode. It does, however, makes it more time consuming for you to enter your passcode as you also need to figure out where all the buttons are every time.
Due to the fact that I am someone who just wants to get access to my iPhone as fast as possible when I take it out of my pocket, this turned me off the tweak. I also understand, however, there will be some people who enjoy the added security this tweak brings about and won’t mind taking a few extra seconds to unlock their device.
If you are interested in CodeScrambler you can find it on the BigBoss repo for $0.99. Let us know what you think of the tweak in the comments section below.
How come it is never specified if it’s working for iPad..?
Because it states iOS compatibility, and that there would tell you everything you need to know. All iOS devices running certain versions of iOS are the same except older devices where they lack a few features, of 3G devices which have a few extras.
I’m sorry, what are you talking about? Some apps/tweaks only work on iPhone or iPad… That’s why I ask. Just because it says iOS doesn’t mean it works on all iOS devices. Even if it is the most recent iOS or a specific one.
Very, very simple. If it is an iOS tweak and has nothing to do with hardware, it’s obvious it will work as long as you have the right iOS version.
Still not true. Are you new to iOS or jailbreaking?
Again, some apps/tweaks only work on iPhone or iPad. Official apps or jailbroken apps/tweaks, regardless of whether it’s only software related or not.