A lot of people are not a fan of Apple’s notification system in the iOS. Now, I am not talking about banner notifications or even the Notification Center, but rather the badges that appear on folders and applications. The biggest reason people are not a fan of them is because they will stay until you take the required action (generally involving updating something).
There is no doubt many Cydia tweaks that will get rid of these badges, but upon installing you will never be presented with these badges again. In my opinion this is just not a good idea because then you will never know if there is something important you need to check. Thus, for me anyways, a tweak that removes the notification badges for good is out of the question.
When I heard about three new utilities released into Cydia recently to make your badges more manageable however, I was excited to share them with you. These utilities are called OTA Begone, No Cydia Badges and No AppStore Badges. Each utility will place an icon on your SpringBoard (homescreen), giving you the option to remove any badges relating to Over The Air Update badges, Cydia badges or App Store badges in a single tap depending one which utility you download. The aspect I like about these utilities is that it only removes the badges at that given time, and if a new notification needs to be displayed after the fact it will indeed still be displayed. Meaning anytime there are badges you want to get rid of you will simply need to keep re-running the utility you downloaded.
If you are interested in OTA Begone, No Cydia Badges, No AppStore Badges, or even all 3 of them, you will be glad to know you can find them through the BigBoss repo for FREE. Did you try these utilities? If so, please leave your thoughts about them in the comments section below.
It would be nice if there was a Notification Center widget for these instead of having to put the icon on the springboard.