If you are new to Jailbreaking or have never really known what Cydia’s “Who Are You?” screen actually means/does, then you will be glad know that today I will be shedding some light on the topic.
When you first Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, and then launch Cydia for the first time, you are presented with a “Who Are You?” screen. From this screen you are asked to pick one of three options to categorize yourself as a Cydia user. The whole reason that Cydia asks you whether you are a “User”, “Hacker”, or “Developer” is so that you will not be shown Cydia packages that you have no idea of, and are of no use to you. Now, the big question most people ask themselves when they get to this screen is which category should I place myself under?
The answer to this question is fairly simple:
- If you Jailbroke your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to enjoy using Tweaks and Themes, and do not want to be bothered by technical Cydia packages. That require use of command line/computer programming, then you need to choose “User“.
- If you like to experiment with command line Cydia packages such as TCP Dump, Pirni-Derv and other technical packages then you will want to choose “Hacker“.
- The last option is “Developer“, and the only reason I would suggest selecting developer is… if you are a developer. There is no other reason to select the developer category, unless you are an actual developer.
Are you still confused about which option to choose? Personally I recommend, if you do not know which category to classify yourself, choosing “Hacker“. This is simply because some Cydia tweaks require certain “Hacker” only packages to function, and if you choose the “User” category you may end up hiding some useful Cydia tweaks from being displayed.
Note: If you ever want to change your category classification, simply go into the Manage Tab > then tap the Settings button in the top left corner of the screen.
Let us know what you categorized yourself as in the comments section below…
I just jail broke my ipod touch 4th gen ver 5.1 tethered. i can open up cydia but thats about it. How do I access the themes and games and stuff. I went to section but it only had admin, archiving, dev, packaging, and some other random stuff, but where did the themes and games and everything else go. I had a first gen untethered once before and it had all of these. can I not access this content anymore? It is also important to note that I tryed searching for things and that didn’t work either. How am I supposed to get installous and winterboard if i cant find anything?
Hi Chris, Firstly I would like to say that getting your device jailbroken is just the 20% of what actually it takes you to enjoy free games, apps and themes. Believe me it took me 2 months to figure out how to jailbreak my ipad 2 (5.1.1 – 3g wifi).
Incase you want me to explain the complete steps. Just reply to this post so that I get to know that you are connected.
which one do u pick user hacker or developer on ipod touch
Great! Thanks a million!
this is abhishek i m having i phone 2g it is jailbroken , it is having ios 3.1.3 and i want to update it but i don’t know how to do please help me out guys.
you have to upgrade ur phone
Mine is saying I need a coed for daveloper and it’s the only one it will let me use any others are not avable
I can’t find it like when I go to source on iPad it dosent say it pls help
Nothing Else Is Available Except Developer
The only option I get is Developer, I can’t choose another one
Ps. When I select a different one it says …. Mode is unavailable, please use another mode
I cant find setting button on my ipad?can somebody help
Mer too
It only gives the option developer the other two won’t work
When i open cydia it says who are you and then i click on next it crashes immidiatly i have appcake also but it works normally….what can i do for this problem plz help me….
Hello,when I make my selection and proceed the Curia app craze immediately,please help me or send me an email with help:connorroelofsen15@gmail.com thanks.
i download cydia in ios9.3..2 then ask to password to cydia .
telll me the password?
I need cydia password
Cydia keeps saying I need a password and to create one if I don’t have one but when I am creating it, it is not saving. What am I to do? Please help me.
It only gives the option developer the other two won’t wor
i need cydia key please give me any one
need cydia key code for 10.2 please
Pls need Cyria key
i need cydia key ios 7.1.2
tell me the proper way to jail break ipod 4 generation
I just want to be a user
Please help
what is the generation key for it can anyone tell me the key ?
How can I create a cydia developer key for ios 6.16